PixDumb and Dumber lives up to its title as it revels in the often shockingly stupid antics of its two lead characters.
Suggested byTessa Hill and upvoted by 8 others
Tessa HillGood dumb though, I love this movie lol
PixNapoleon Dynamite is a quirky comedy that celebrates its quirky characters' awkwardness and stupidity in the mundane setting of a small town.
PixZoolander is deliberately silly and outrageous, poking fun at the fashion industry with the title character's absurdly over-the-top vanity and stupidity.
Suggested byCourtney Edwards and upvoted by 4 others
Suggested byCatherine Sagherian and upvoted by 3 others
Suggested byBrandon Reed and upvoted by 2 others
Suggested byBrandon Reed and upvoted by 2 others
PixThe Room is infamous for being 'so bad it's good'. The stupidity is unintentional, a result of poor scripting, acting, and directorial choices, which ironically makes it a cult classic.
Suggested byJaymie Hensel and upvoted by 1 other
Suggested byCatherine Sagherian and upvoted by 1 other
Suggested byCatherine Sagherian
Suggested byCatherine Sagherian
Suggested byCatherine Sagherian
Suggested byCatherine Sagherian
Suggested byCatherine Sagherian
Catherine SagherianIt’s funny but it’s stupid lol
Suggested byRoberta Finney