Topic: Books
So I'm a huge sci-fi and fantasy nerd. I'm thinking I'm going to turn my spare room into an office. But I'd like to decorate it accordingly. Does anybody know a good place/website to get sci-fi and fantasy art? Posters, calendars, wall tapestries, maps, etc...
Maria Seay Check Etsy though sometimes they don’t actually have licenses to sell their items but there is a lot of good fan art etc there.
Road Master Oh nice! I like good fan art.
Maria Seay Kingdom of threads sometimes has good stuff too.
Road Master Is that a website?
Maria Seay https://kingdomofthreads.com yes but I just realized it’s geared more towards romance/fantasy books then anything else so maybe not.
Road Master They were still pretty cute.
Aubrey Summers There’s a shop on Etsy with some SICK movie posters! There are different styles for each movie, so make sure you check them all out if you like a movie but not the 1st poster they show. Here’s the link: https://www.etsy.com/shop/PrintoramaPoster
Road Master Oh! Those are sweet!
Aubrey Summers Rear Window is my favorite of their’s, but Interstellar and Arrival are also very cool!🙂↕️
David Rachau Displate has some pretty cool licensed stuff, but they do seem a bit pricy. I got a couple Wheel of Time posters from sellers on Amazon, and they look pretty good, and were also very cheap. Though, this was before the TV show, so the ip holders may have cracked down on unlicensed stuff since then.
Road Master I've been thinking about getting some Displate stuff. I've seen some of them. They have some pretty cool stuff.
Momma Mia🐦⬛ I’d try AMAZON… Unless you don’t want to feed the corporate giant, lol?? But you can find just about ANYTHING on there!! Do a GENERAL keyword search like “SciFi decor” or a more SPECIFIC keyword search like “Ray Bradbury Wall Art…. Or try typing the name of any famous sci-fi franchise in combination with the word “posters,” “print,” “canvas,” “tapestry,” “wall decor,” “throw pillows, “sculptures,” “area rugs,” etc. to get tailored results. (Star Wars decor, Dune poster) OR TRY searches like: Futuristic Landscapes, SciFi Area Rugs, Futuristic Fantasy Art, 1950s Sci-fi Movie Art, Robot Theme Clock, Nuclear Fallout Poster, Space Tapestries, Neon Galaxy Lights, Planetary Paperweight, SciFi Sculptures, Alien decor, Cyberpunk decor, etc…. Basically, anything you can think of! Happy Decorating! 😃)

Road Master Oh nice! Thank you!
Road Master Nope. You understood correctly. I had the same questions.
Maya I usually get mine at nerd/pop culture conventions. Try checking your area for one and you can get all sorts of items in one place
Road Master Oh wow, do I wish! But I assure you, there are absolutely NONE near me.
Russ Hoyt Let me know what you decide. I be curious to learn if you went with a theme or more eclectic. If you are comfortable with it, I would love to see some photos of the room and the art when you are done.
Road Master I do tend to like neatness and themes. So I will probably theme it in some way. I'm also leaning toward decorations that can be easily switched out. So, this week could be Legend of Zelda. Next week could be LotR. Might even go as broad as Swords & Sorcery realism or heavily magical. Just really depending on my mood. Will probably be a while though. The room is currently my overflow storage/junk room. Part of this project is sorting through and cleaning out.
Elysha Harder You could possibly try Redbubble.
Road Master I just Googled it. That's interesting. I'm all over the idea of supporting independent artists.
Max Edge Redbubble is another good place to find fan art prints. Also check if there's any thrift stores you don't know about around your area, you never know what they might have.
Max Edge Oh yea they do have pillows on redbubble too, and mugs
Niache Did you try temu? There’s a lot of Posters and art.
Road Master I haven't. I've heard mostly negative things about Temu.
Niache I’ve heard that a lot too, but I’ve had some luck with it so far!
Road Master Oh nice!