
Nosferatu image

Topic: Nosferatu

Pros: - The acting from the whole cast was great! - The scenery/environment was beautifully done and met the mark for a Gothic film. The writing was beautiful. Even though it is a period piece, I understood what they were saying. Cons: The film wastes the casting of Bill S. Unlike Pennwise, his monster in this is covered by darkness, CGI, and an AWFUL mustache. Instead of feeling frightened by his appearance, I thought I was looking at Waluigi from Nintendo. - The pacing of this movie SLOW

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Thom Willson ...wait...Nosferatu has a f$%#ing MUSTACHE in this?! I avoided it because I haven't seen an Eggers flick I didn't mostly dislike, but now I'm alllll the more grateful I skipped out.


HORROR 🩸👻🔪 Yes, unfortunately he does... I don't usually spoil, but I had to for this one.


Thom Willson Well, rest assured you saved at least one person even more trauma than they would've originally suffered. Thanks and cheers!
