Topic: Books
I need a little help with a story detail. Low/no-tech, think 18th or 19th century, society. Emporer and eldest prince/heir the throne were murdered by the younger prince. Either by him or at his bidding. I need a way to prove it later in the story. Either proof or strong enough evidence to deny his claim to the throne. Any thoughts would be helpful.
Elizabeth Arnold Maybe finding a contract for the deed or something similar or slipping up with a detail about the death that no one else would know
Road Master Something like getting in his head and getting him to admit it?
Brandon Reed @road_master Yeah, maybe insult the murderer's intelligence in front of the prince by pointing out all the mistakes that the murderer made. But all the mistakes are actually irrelevant or red herrings.
Marigene Arnold I am not related to Elizabeth but I really like the idea of a detail slipping out that the young prince could not know if he wasn’t involved over.
Karen Perille Catching the murderer/assassin with a distinct personal item from the younger prince as payment, like a jeweled ring