
Topic: Screenplay

So I'm just curious. I know opinions are split on the Harry Potter show. Many are wondering why it's happening at all. But would you be more interested in a show set in the Wizarding World, but not Harry Potter?



Becky Morris Huge Harry Potter fan here. Read all the books, went to the book release parties, saw all the movies countless times, and have been to the Wizarding World theme park. I’m excited about the show. I love all the actors but am looking at the new show as its own exciting iteration.


Road Master As am I. To pretty much everything you said. I haven't been to the parks yet. But I want to. But would you be interested in a story set in the world, but not HP? Or are you of the opinion that if it aint Harry, it aint real?


Brandon Reed I didn't love the Fantastic Beast movies, either.


Brandon Reed The movies left out SO MUCH from the books that I'm definitely going to watch the show. I'd probably watch something else set in the Wizarding World, too, for that matter. I spent more than 50 hours in Hogwarts Legacy, and I'm still not done, so... Lol


Road Master I don't know what that something else would be. But it's a really rich world. Somebody could come up with something.


Road Master Ah. I was thinking it was supposed to be "performance by..." somebody specific maybe.


Madison A I’d prefer something else from the Wizarding World that’s new. I’m sick of remakes in general so I’m not super excited for the show. However I will definitely give it a chance. I’m sure it will still be an entertaining and fun watch. It will probably be a more faithful adaptation.


Road Master Any specific ideas on what you WOULD like to see? Or just, something else?


Madison A I don’t have anything in particular in mind. I’ll that up to the professionals lol


David Rachau I'm looking forward to it, but would also love something different. As many people have said in the past, a Marauders show, or a founders show would be amazing, but run the risk of lowered stakes, since we know how it all turns out. Titanic did it successfully, but it's not an easy thing to pull off. I'd also.love to see a show based at one of the other wizarding schools around the world. Tell stories around the rise of other dark wizards, and the heroes who defeat them in other settings, with different cultural values. Just don't do it all at once. WB needs to learn from the mistakes Disney has made with Marvel and Star Wars. There is such a thing as too much of a good thing. 🤣


Road Master I think it worked with Titanic because they didn't focus on or feature the sinking as the point of the story. Just like a WW2 movie. You know how WW2 turned out. But the movies focus on individual people and what they were doing before, during, and after. A founders movie could do that very well, I think. How did they meet? How did they team up/become friends, despite Salazar Slytherin being a snake? What led them to found Hogwarts? What was the magical political landscape of the time?


Road Master On that, I'll agree. It's why I haven't watched the last Fantastic Beasts movie.
