
White Chicks image

Topic: White Chicks

What are your thoughts on the rumored to be planned White Chicks 2? I just think they're going to CG everything. πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ I'm hoping for some In Living Color type material. That pushes the boundaries yet is tasteful and timely.

Β inΒ 

Comedy Club
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Brad DesaulniersΒ I must admit that I never seen White Chicks . So I really have no opinion


JojoΒ That's totally okay it's silly but dated. Like you can really tell that this movie was made 20 years ago. πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„


Brandon ReedΒ If it IS happening, then I hope they use actual makeup and prosthetics. The obviousness of the disguises and the Wayans' facial expressions were part of the charm of the original. Otherwise, I just hope that it's a worthwhile movie. Their horror movie parodies after Scary Movie 2 were bad enough to prove that they're capable of a bad follow-up.


JojoΒ Yup,I think they should go the totally practical route when it comes to make-up. Have you seen the test makeup for the original movie? Way more realistic than in the final product. Little closer to actual white woman, I wish they would have stuck with this. And yeah, they have a habit of not following up all that well with classics. That tends to happen with sequels. They very rarely live up to the original rep. I don't even know why this is even rumored to be happening. On several occasions, Marlon Wayans has said he doesn't want to do white chicks. 2. He has said he's either wanted to do black women or black man movies. πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ I don't know. I guess they finally realized the cult classic status of the first one. And want to capitalize off that because of nostalgia and fondness. But primarily money.

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Brandon ReedΒ Lol, that's so much more realistic.