MoMo profile photo

MoMois looking for a Show or Movie

What is a "cult classic" you hate?

26 Suggestions

Kaitlin profile photo
MoMo profile photo
Jen profile photo

Suggested byKaitlin Paige and upvoted by 9 others

A Christmas Story image
itunes dogear

A Christmas Story


Liked by 10.8K

Star profile photo
Keenan profile photo
yaya profile photo

Suggested byStar and upvoted by 5 others

A Clockwork Orange image
itunes dogear

A Clockwork Orange

Science Fiction

Liked by 16.3K

Errika profile photo

Errika MasonThis outright portrayal of the abuse of women was disgusting. It was supposed to help the viewer understand the sadistic nature of the lead character, but it was too graphic and absolutely unnecessary.

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Star profile photo
Tadie profile photo
yaya profile photo

Suggested byStar and upvoted by 5 others

The Princess Bride image
disney+ dogear

The Princess Bride


Liked by 616.4K

MoMo profile photo
Kolika profile photo
Proudanalyzer profile photo

Suggested byMoMo and upvoted by 4 others

Sixteen Candles image
netflix dogear

Sixteen Candles


Liked by 34.2K

Suggested byCathy Harrison and upvoted by 4 others

Clueless image
itunes dogear



Liked by 630.4K

Lucas profile photo

Lucas SThe underage step-sister dynamic is really uncomfortable. Maybe it was more acceptable in the 90s but now I can’t get past it

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Star profile photo
MeYou0 profile photo
Deleted User profile photo

Suggested byStar and upvoted by 3 others

The Big Lebowski image
starz play dogear

The Big Lebowski


Liked by 161.5K

Keenan profile photo
April profile photo
Reagen profile photo

Suggested byKeenan Duke and upvoted by 3 others

Donnie Darko image
amazon dogear

Donnie Darko


Liked by 38.6K

Ash profile photo
Marsh profile photo
Errika profile photo

Suggested byAsh and upvoted by 2 others

Gremlins image
itunes dogear



Liked by 9.1K

Star profile photo
Marsh profile photo
Lucas profile photo

Suggested byStar and upvoted by 2 others

The Godfather image
paramount plus dogear

The Godfather


Liked by 97.9K

em profile photo
Jen profile photo
Star profile photo

Suggested byem romy and upvoted by 2 others

Rocky image
pluto tv dogear



Liked by 19.8K

Emma profile photo
Marsh profile photo
Russ profile photo

Suggested byEmma G and upvoted by 2 others

Mars Attacks! image
itunes dogear

Mars Attacks!


Liked by 4.5K

Lucas profile photo
MoMo profile photo
Jillian profile photo

Suggested byLucas S and upvoted by 2 others

Porky's image



Liked by 496

Lucas profile photo

Lucas SEven though Ive got a high tolerance for trash I couldn’t get through this

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Suggested byCathy Harrison and upvoted by 2 others

Midsommar image
itunes dogear



Liked by 84.4K

Star profile photo
yaya profile photo

Suggested byStar and upvoted by 1 other

Pulp Fiction image
pluto tv dogear

Pulp Fiction


Liked by 210.6K

Kaitlin profile photo
Jillian profile photo

Suggested byKaitlin Paige and upvoted by 1 other

The Goonies image
itunes dogear

The Goonies


Liked by 31.6K

em profile photo
pia profile photo

Suggested byem romy and upvoted by 1 other

Star Wars image
disney+ dogear

Star Wars


Liked by 182.5K

em profile photo
James profile photo

Suggested byem romy and upvoted by 1 other

The Breakfast Club image
itunes dogear

The Breakfast Club


Liked by 195.1K

Charlize profile photo
MoMo profile photo

Suggested byCharlize and upvoted by 1 other

The Rocky Horror Picture Show image
itunes dogear

The Rocky Horror Picture Show


Liked by 16.8K

MoMo profile photo
Brandon profile photo

Suggested byMoMo and upvoted by 1 other

Revenge of the Nerds image

Revenge of the Nerds


Liked by 1.6K

MeYou0 profile photo

Suggested byMeYou0

True Romance image
itunes dogear

True Romance


Liked by 2.7K

Star profile photo

Suggested byStar

Snatch image
itunes dogear



Liked by 29.8K

Suggested byCathy Harrison

Heathers image
amazon dogear



Liked by 44.7K

Suggested byCathy Harrison

Titanic image
hulu dogear



Liked by 481.3K

Brendan profile photo

Suggested byBrendan

All Hallows' Eve image
tubi dogear

All Hallows' Eve


Liked by 504

anna profile photo

Suggested byanna

Pretty in Pink image
paramount plus dogear

Pretty in Pink


Liked by 14.5K

Risse profile photo

Suggested byRisse Richards

Back to the Future image
itunes dogear

Back to the Future


Liked by 189.0K

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