What's up, everyone? I've always wanted to learn more about intersex people and the intersex community as a whole. The thing is, I don't know of any good media that depicts what life is like for them and what their struggles are. So I wanted to come on here and ask for any suggestions regarding that topic. I just really want to learn more about that section of the lgbtq IA 2s. Plus community.
8 Suggestions
Suggested byJenny NoWhere 🇵🇸 and upvoted by 1 other
Suggested byJenny NoWhere 🇵🇸
HeatherI'm kinda throwing this in also as a question to anyone who is or knows more about Intersex individuals and how they feel about this representation. As anime has a history of making mistakes on how to present lgbtqia+ people. I have read that many transgender fans relate to the character so I wonder if it worked for the intended characterization.
Suggested byAndrea Thompson