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Topic: Archive 81
I'm late to the party, but are we hoping for Season 2? What direction do you think the show would go?
Anji Wiens I'm so hoping for season 2 🤞🤞 I'm really interested to see if they could pick up exactly where the last episode ends. I think there are way more mysteries awaiting on the other tapes.
Rachel Strojny I hope so. I really enjoyed the first season and would really like to see what other secrets are hidden.
Samantha Blizzard Initially I was frustrated with the ending..enough time has passed now that I wouldn’t write off watching a second season. At first I felt like I had wasted a great deal of my time but I’m here for part 2 if there is one.
Sandy Lopez I just finished the first season last night and I do hope it comes back for a season 2!
Maril Girton I’m really hoping they do a background on Iris and her stay in the other world if there is another season. But mostly I’d love to see how Dan makes it back. I’m a sucker for happy endings but I don’t think this is the kind of show that would make anyone feel like it’s truly resolved.
James Heath I really enjoyed this series and hope for a season two. But the more I think about what direction they should take it..... Focus on Melody and her mother and explore that.Then season 3 go back to Dan and have him run into Jess, then have him go to his Dad, and shocker!!! Dan accidentally started the fire that killed his family!
Kaitlin Paige Season 2 of the original podcast was terrible, but I am interested to see if it will be better on screen.
Robin Coulson-Connor I literally just finished S1 and yes there better be a S2 😱 forget Iris & Samuel, they gotta go back in and get Dan outta there! I want a happy ending🤞 my only real gripe is they made khelago look more like an alien than a demon/god but who cares it's whatever
MeredithS I wish they would do a season 2 but they cancelled it!! ☹️
Jeremy James This is a cut and paste from a comment on Reddit. I thought fans might like to know the reason for cutting the show. The Real Reason Why Netflix Cancelled 'Archive 81' Revealed r/TVLeaksAndRumors • 3 yr. ago The Reason Why Netflix Cancelled 'Archive 81' Revealed I posted an article a few months back which strongly hinted that the Netflix hit had been unofficially renewed behind the scenes. However, this was later revealed to have not been the case and the show got cancelled. The previous sources were quite confident in its renewal, only for Netflix to make a U-turn. A follow-up article from the original source attempts to figure out what actually happened. The relevant Q&A is as follows: SMALL SCREEN: Could you maybe explain what happened? Why didn’t Netflix renew Season 2? SOURCE: There were a lot of issues, mostly numbers based. It was so close to getting renewed. We were days away from going into pre-production. Scripts had been written and were being worked on. In the end, it all came down to numbers, both money and views on Netflix. S2’s budget was a sticking point, and people at Netflix felt the show didn’t bring in enough new viewers. The show did well and considering it was made on a tight budget, it did really well. But, Netflix has what we like to call ‘cut off points’ as far as views are concerned. We just didn’t make it into the ‘renewed’ bracket. We’re pretty thrown by the whole thing because it was a great show to work on and had so much potential.” In other words, there were two mains reasons for the cancellations, which occurred RIGHT BEFORE the start of pre-production: A higher proposed budget. Missing the arbitrary "cut off points" in terms of its viewership. r/netflix - The Real Reason Why Netflix Cancelled 'Archive 81' Revealed It is not likely for the show to get renewed either in the foreseeable future: SMALL SCREEN: Could the show ever be brought back to life? Would another network want to pick it up? SOURCE: As it stands, no. Archive 81 is dead as a dodo. Given the deals that were signed, it’s highly unlikely that another network would want to pick it up. Netflix is the only real platform that saves shows, and they decided to kill ours. SMALL SCREEN: What’s next for the Archive 81 team? SOURCE: Honestly, we don’t know yet. We would love to work together again, but we’d have to find the right project. It’s still very fresh and we’re just processing things right now. The fact that this was cancelled RIGHT BEFORE the start of its pre-production is quite unfortunate. Nevertheless, the Small Screen source offered his thanks to the fans for supporting him on this journey: Thank you for your interest in the show – it means a lot to us