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- Outer Banks
Topic: Outer Banks
Is it worth it to watch this show? How clean is it? Like s*x, and language wise. I’m not so worried about language I just don’t like f-bombs in it but if it has them that’s ok but I’d rather it not. I don’t really like shows with lots of teen drama but my good friends who usually like the same stuff as me love this show. *No spoilers please I haven’t seen any of this show yet*!
Emmy I'm curious too.
Lauren Fura There is a lot of language and s*x is implied but nothing is ever show. The show overall is super good
Lucy I haven’t watched this but it’s tv ma which means it’s equivalent to R so it might be best to stay away from.
Julz Well I honestly don’t think it’s that bad. My friends and I are both Christians so they wouldn’t watch it if it did have really bad things i it. I don’t mind language because I know I won’t say it. I’d rather it not say it but if it does oh well. I normally don’t want MA shows but my Christian friends do so I think it’s ok.
Lucy I looked up reviews and a lot of them said it was okay to watch. But honestly it’s up to what you’re comfortable watching.
Julz Ok thanks!
Julz What I’m really looking for is if this show is enjoyable and fun to watch!
Liana McCaffery It has a LOT. Of language but no like s*x scenes it is mentioned but not that often this is one of my favorite shows
Julz Thanks for letting me know I’ll probably watch it soon!
Aleigha Israel It definitely has a ton of content, mainly language, that makes it difficult to recommend to others! I also don’t enjoy shows that have harsher language. I’ve watched all the seasons on Vidangle though so if you’d still like to watch it but want to avoid any of the content that comes with a TV-MA show, that could be an option. =)
Ellie Hood I’m a young Christian, and I am pretty picky/careful about what I watch. I just finished watching this, and I have a few notes!! 1) It’s hard to stop watching. Very very entertaining story line, and super likeable characters. 2) It’s pretty violent. Lots of killing people and fight scenes and guns. 3) The love aspect is good. In the 2nd and 3rd seasons, there is not sexual content that’s depicted and it’s hardly ever talking about anything of the sort. All of the relationships are fairly wholesome and no explicit scenes are shone. There is only a small amount more of this in season one. 4) As far as language goes, the F-bomb is used the least. Lots of s-word, a-hole, b-word, gd, and wth. I would recommend this show to my friends as it’s an overall captivating story, and there are fine lines between right and wrong. There isn’t anything about homosexuality. There’s lots of drinking. Here’s a good link with reviews on s*ex, violence, and language content! https://www.commonsensemedia.org/tv-reviews/outer-banks
Julz Thanks so much for your help!
Sophieeee It’s so comforting and interesting, it is such a well filmed show and is clean besides language. Definitely recommend
Sophia From what I’ve seen the show is very fifty/fifty some people love and others don’t. I think overall language wise it’s bad but no s*x scenes from what I remember.