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Topic: Home Alone

I'm always curious about this question. So ever since I was little, I have never liked Home Alone since I found it very mean spirited due to Kevin's horrible family. I don't like watching Christmas movies that can be very mean spirited since I want to watch the movies to be cheerful and happy for Christmas, not be depressed or angered by it. So it surprise me that not only do people love it but consider it a Christmas classic. So I must ask why everyone loves the movie despite how cruel it is?

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Brandon Reed A big part of the movie is that everyone regrets how mean they were. The beginning is a little hard to watch because Kevin is such a little kid, and everyone is so mean to him, and he retaliates because he's so frustrated. The viewer realizes that this isn't how things are supposed to be, but Kevin being left behind puts everything into perspective for the characters.


Brandon Reed And it's a good lesson for viewers, especially parents, since the temptation to let the stresses of life, and particularly the Christmas season, influence how we interact with our kids is often there.


Amy I get what you're saying and agree that it's part of the family's lesson but I still feel like they went too far on making the family so horrible. If it was just the family just ignoring Kevin or giving him attitude due to the stress of preparing for a Christmas vacation, I'd be fine with that. But in the words of Kevin, it really does seem like his family hates him due to being verbally abusive towards him and seeing him as the bad one even though he's not (pretty much making him a scapegoat).


Amy Also, the movie doesn't do a good job at redeeming the family either. The only one that they redeemed was Kevin's mother but that's it. They pretty much glossed over the rest of the family members by showing quick, few second scenes of the family all of a sudden being nice to Kevin even though they didn't get an arch like the mother did. I feel like they somewhat did a better job in the sequel but they still should've shown the family grow and realized their mistakes, properly say they're sorry to Kevin.
