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Documentary Studio
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The destination for all your favorite documentaries. Browse, discuss, and share here.
Topic: Devil in the Family: The Fall of Ruby Franke
After reading Shari Franke’s book, I am eager to watch this documentary! It comes out next weekend on Hulu!
Topic: David Attenborough's Natural History Museum Alive
See DiscussionTopic: Billy & Molly: An Otter Love Story
I recently watched this documentary on Disney+. It’s so wholesome and heartwarming and I recommend it to everyone! I rate this a 10/10 for sure 👍
Topic: Expedition Killer Whale
Such a great documentary!! Awesome footage of killer whales wave-washing hunting technique, and also a lot of behind the scenes footage of the camera crew and the scientists studying them. The behind the scenes footage makes the documentary a lot more fun. It’s only on the BBC right now but whenever it comes out in other countries you should definitely check it out!
Topic: Trafficked: Underworlds with Mariana van Zeller
Highly recommend this documentary series for anyone who is interested in true crime! Five stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Topic: Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story
It is interesting to me that this film is released around the same time that DC is rebooting its universe. https://deadline.com/video/super-man-the-christopher-reeve-story-sundance-documentary-matthew-reeve-alexandra-reeve-will-reeve-interview/ #documentary #christopherreeve #christopher_reeve #superman
Topic: Secrets of the Octopus
See DiscussionTopic: Animals Up Close with Bertie Gregory
I recently watched this nature documentary on Disney+, “Animals Up Close”. It’s so good and I highly recommend it! What makes it interesting is that there’s a lot of behind the scenes footage of the film crew as well as beautiful shots of the animals. Also each episode has a hopeful/positive message about wildlife conservation! My favorite episode I’d recommend watching first is the “Patagonia Puma” episode😁
Topic: Screenplay
See Discussion