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Historical Fiction Lounge
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Your destination for all books historical fiction. Browse, discuss, and share here.
Topic: The Fountains of Silence
See DiscussionTopic: Salt to the Sea
So I just finished Salt to the Sea and oh my gosh. 😩😭 I don’t know how a story can be so devastating and so beautiful at the same time. I have now read all of Ruta’s books! If you’re a Ruta fan, how would you rank her books? Which is your favorite out of the ones you’ve read?
Topic: Stalking Jack the Ripper
Does this book get more interesting or is it just describing autopsies continuously? I’m not squeamish usually but this is kinda grossing me out. I was hoping for mystery, action, and maybe some romance… but all I’ve got so far 50 pages in is lots of blood and descriptions of cutting people open. Just want to know if it’s worth continuing through or if I should stop now?
Topic: The Nightingale
I love this movie, I'm curious how different the book is? The movie is one of my favorite revenge stories ever and made me want to read the novel but if there's Very little difference then I might not I know usually books have much more detail so if anyone can help me if there's Alot of different plots or anything I'd definitely read this, I might read it even if it's the same the book might hit harder
Topic: Forgetting to Remember
Fans of Outlander, listen up! Discover a spellbinding new time-travel love story from the NYT bestselling author of The Last Tiara. In post-WWII London, Jeannine finds a miniature portrait of a man’s twilight-blue eye. Little does she know the painting is a portal, and the truth about her identity—and her heart’s destiny—lies on the other side of it… Learn even more here: https://www.mjrose.com/content/
Topic: A Gentleman in Moscow
Thoughts on A Gentleman in Moscow? I started it (around chapter 2) but at the moment it’s a little slow… the whole plot sounds intriguing but it has been kind of hard getting into the story. I need some motivation to finish it! When do things pick up and get more interesting? I also want to read it so I can watch the show
Topic: My Dear Henry: A Jekyll & Hyde Remix
See DiscussionTopic: Teach the Torches to Burn: A Romeo & Juliet Remix
Second book I’ve read in the Remixed Classics series published by Macmillan (first was Most Ardently-also absolutely amazing!). I mean…queering historical classics in the eras in which they were originally set?! I’m absolutely in love with this series. This Romeo & Juliet reimagining is packed with heaps of both tenderness & tension. I was literally on the edge of my seat-when I wasn’t collapsing into an emotional goo, that is. Needless to say, highly recommend this & the series! 💜💖🌈