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Classics Corner
825.7K Members
The destination for all the classics. Browse, discuss, and share here.
825.7K Members
The destination for all the classics. Browse, discuss, and share here.
Topic: Books
See DiscussionTopic: Books
See DiscussionTopic: Books
See DiscussionTopic: Murder on the Orient Express
Hello Classic Corner! For those who love Classic Mysteries, here’s a reminder of our live discussion event this Thursday 4:00 pm Pacific. We will be discussing Murder on the Orient Express in the Mystery Mob Lounge. Please join us! #mysterybookgroup #classicsbookgroup #agathachristie #murderontheorientexpress
Topic: Good Morning, Miss Dove
Just finished this book this week. Read a portion of it when I was younger for school and watched the movie and have wanted to read it for a long time. Found it for a good price on eBay and so glad I got it! It was a quick and fun read bought back some memories. Recommend for everyone especially those that deal with children and wonder what kind of impact you have on their lives.
Topic: Books
See DiscussionTopic: The Grapes of Wrath
Hello Classics Book Group. I am posting this reminder for our Live Discussion event for our Classic Group Read: The Grapes 🍇 of Wrath. Have you read the book? Do you love Steinbeck? Bring all thoughts, questions and insights to the discussion this upcoming Thursday. #classicsbookgroup #thegrapesofwrath
Topic: Books
See DiscussionTopic: The Catcher in the Rye
I just finished The Catcher in The Rye and really loved it so I came online to discuss it, only to find that so many people disliked and even hated this book. I know Holden is an unlikable and sort of in-the-grey character, but wasn’t that the whole point? He had reasons for his behaviors, and I don’t understand how anyone could ignore those and look at him like he’s nothing more than a two-dimensional annoying character. I’m curious to hear other’s takes on it.