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Your destination for all books horror. Browse, discuss, and share here.
Topic: The Abominable
What did people think of Dan Simmons Abominable? I’ve been craving a hair raising arctic horror. A lot of the horror I’ve read recently has really let me down with shying away from actually committing to the horror aspect or taking a safe route. I don’t want to be let down again, especially since it’s a longer book. I did enjoy his book, The Terror.
Topic: How to Sell a Haunted House
This book passed me off so much, I haven't felt anger this visceral since working at a casino. The main character's brother is such a self centered jerk that I got an ulcer listening to his antics. Her mother's an idiot. Also, the book devolved into crazy nonsense.
Topic: The Turn of the Key
**SPOILERS AHEAD***. There was so much. Rowan / Rachel never sent the letter. These poor kids all in turmoil because their dad was a major perv. Rowan / Rachel took whatever the punishment was, I don’t know what it was the author didn’t say, but that letter from Ellie was why she never sent the letter to begin with. To protect her little sister.
Topic: The Deep
I got this book because I thought it would be a good fun horror book to read for fall. My dad told me he read his other book the troop and it scared the heck out of him. He said it was scarier than Stephen king. Would you say it’s really scary? How scary is it? I’ve never read a horror book but I’ve watcha many movies and shows and love them.
Topic: Rules for Vanishing
See DiscussionTopic: Books
See DiscussionTopic: Civil War Ghost Stories & Legends
This book was a gift, this is not something I would have bought for myself. I am painfully skeptical when it comes to the paranormal. I did really enjoy reading this for a few reasons. My house was built in 1865, so it was really fun seeing what was going on in the world while my house was being built. I enjoyed the stories of people’s ghostly experiences alongside stories about notable people during the Civil War. I had a great time reading it and I learned some things too!
Topic: Lapvona
I enjoyed the read for the style, but I had trouble placing my finger on the deeper themes. Which led to me reading an interview with the author where she claimed she wrote this with the main intention of shocking and disgusting her audience. What do you think, did this resonate with you deeply or is it a relatively shallow attempt at shock horror?