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Ryan in Action Arena
Topic: Havoc
The teaser for Gareth Evans’s (director of the Raid films) new film finally dropped today. It has a great cast (Tom Hardy, Tim Olyphant and Forest Whitaker) and is coming to Netflix April 25th. Evans is such a great action filmmaker that I’m cautiously optimistic for this film, even though they shot it in 2021 and they have been doing reshoots and tinkering with it since then (which is usually a bad sign). https://www.indiewire.com/news/trailers/havoc-teaser-tom-hardy-1235099142/
Ryan in Action Arena
Topic: Warfare
The first trailer for Warfare dropped. It’s the story of an ambush and the resulting fire fight in Iraq and will apparently be told in real time. It’s co-written and directed by Alex Garland (Civil War, Ex-Machina) and Ray Mendoza (a Navy Seal who was in the actual battle). It’s an A24 movie. It looks promising (it gives me Blackhawk Down vibes). https://www.indiewire.com/news/trailers/warfare-trailer-alex-garland-navy-seal-movie-a24-1235076271/
𝑹𝒊𝒄𝒐 𝑺𝒐𝒑𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒐 ✪ in Action Arena
Topic: Fast X
I really want to watch FastX but I’ve only seen like two movies from the whole franchise. The first one and Tokyo Drift. So that leaves atleast 7 films I gotta watch to catch up. I just don’t know if I have it in me lol I’ve never been a fan of the franchise but I love cars so it’s weird. I’m the type of person that has to watch the entire collection to appreciate it but that’s a tall task
Topic: Screenplay
See DiscussionDrip in Action Arena
Topic: Transformers One
Okay, from what I’m hearing, not many people are watching this masterpiece (either because they don’t know about it or the trailers didn’t appeal to them) which means it will flop. We can’t have that happen, so if you’re seeing this, I ask that you go watch it. Even if you’re not a Transformers fan, it’s great for explaining the lore to new ones, and so I think it’ll be equally enjoyable for all. The designs, animation, setting, and character arcs are all super well done.