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Classics Cinema
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Your destination for all things classic. Browse, discuss, and share here.
Topic: The Breakfast Club
I just finished this movie and wow, I was not expecting the topics it discussed. It really takes a deep dive into high school tropes and getting into the psychological details. So I want to ask: what impacts do you think this movie had? Why is it still so relevant today? How did you interpret the characters and their stories? Thank you—can’t wait to hear your takes on this movie! #classics #1980s #thebreakfastclub #school_life #tropes #drama #comedy #social_themes
Topic: Misery
Such a classic! Kathy Bates is incredible in this! She plays such a good crazy lunatic. My only negative on the movie is the pig... I understand that it's in there to show just how obsessed she is with his books, but the pig doesn't add anything to the story other than that. Besides that one little critique, I think this movie is great from start to finish. I hope there is never a remake of it. Misery needs to stay untouched. It is perfect the way it is!
Topic: Screenplay
See DiscussionTopic: American Beauty
I remember loving this movie, specifically for Kevin Spacey's great performance. Along with movies like Glengarry Glenn Ross and L.A. Confidential, is there anyone who is able to differentiate the artist from his past deeds? For those who liked/loved this movie, are you able to still enjoy this?
Topic: Lawrence of Arabia
So it sounds like the guy who made 10,000 B.C., Moonfall and 2012 (Roland Emmerich) has studio approval to remake Lawrence of Arabia as a limited series. While they’re at it, they might as well as ask the local drunk, who can’t paint a wall, if he would like to redo the Sistine Chapel.
Topic: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Does anyone else not ship Wolfstar? For those who don't know the ship name for Remus Lupin amd Sirius Black. It has nothing with it being a gay couple, it's just the fact that I don't ship it. I see them as genuine friends. Honestly they kind of remind me of Hermione and Harry, two mischievous friends with one being book smart but no romantic connection.
Topic: Screenplay
See DiscussionTopic: Screenplay
See DiscussionTopic: The Wizard of Oz
I recently finished the book The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum for the first time. My only previous familiarity came from the 1939 film with Judy Garland. I enjoyed it. I am not sure that I will read it again. I am interested in reading the other books set in the same world. It looks like there are about 15 additional works and collections of short stories. I was surprised (I probably shouldn’t have been, considering the film is a product of Hollywood) at the changes from the source
Topic: Screenplay
See DiscussionTopic: Screenplay
See Discussion