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Sci Fi Spot
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Your destination for all books science fiction. Browse, discuss, and share here.
Topic: The Martian
See DiscussionTopic: Books
See DiscussionTopic: Books
See DiscussionTopic: Red Rising
Not A Huge Fan Of Sci-Fi and decided to try out Red Rising by Pierce Brown because a lot of people said it was really good. I’m about an hour in and having a hard time. It’s one of those books where you walk into the world and have to “pretend” to know everything about it and as you gradually make progress, you learn more. It’s slow paced and hard to read. Any suggestions on if it’s worth reading? Or if it gets better?
Topic: Department of Temporal Investigations: Watching the Clock
Anyone read the Department of Temporal Investigations (Star Trek) series? Well done? Worth checking out?#startrek #scifi
Topic: Books
See DiscussionTopic: The Mercy of Gods
Just finished Mercy of Gods. It's the first book of a trilogy about a science research group who are amongst a group of humains who are abducted by powerful aliens. It was written by the author of The Expanse. How are they going to survive and eventually fight back against the omnipotent aliens? What are your thoughts for those of you who finished the book?